January 5, 2022
HealthLeaders Media recognizes ACHP and its members for their achievements and recommendations on telehealth, drug pricing, health equity, access, Medicare Advantage and more.
7 Achievements and Recommendations from the Alliance of Community Health Plans
by Laura Beerman, HealthLeaders Media
Community health plans are often the unsung heroes in their markets, demonstrating close relationships with local providers and a deep knowledge of community needs. Covid-19 has made these bonds even more important, and inspired innovations that meet immediate pandemic needs while driving longer-term solutions. Local payers are taking these same actions, summarized by the Alliance of Community Health Plans in its 2021 Report on Affordability and a recent blog on federal policy recommendations for 2022.
“We know nothing in health care will be successful if we do not have a way to pay for it—and if [it] does not serve everyone in a community.” — Alliance of Community Health Plans
Here are the top seven achievements and recommendations from ACHP and its members, which represent approximately 25 community health plans offering diverse lines of business across the U.S.
- Expanding Telehealth and Extending Reimbursement Beyond the Public Health Emergency
- Creating Remote Admission and Monitoring Infrastructures to Create Higher Value in the Health System
- Designing Virtual-First Health Plans at Lowers Costs
- Calling for a Better Medicare Advantage Through Better Ways to Measure Quality
- Maintaining Access to Affordable Coverage and Care
- Making Health Equity Commitments Permanent Through Sustained Funding and Standardized Health Data Collection
- Controlling Prescription Drug Costs Through Measures from Federal Negotiating Power to Faster Generic Approvals
These achievements and recommendations reflect the ACHP’s broader 10-year Roadmap to Reform, which emphasizes collaboration, value, and community health.
Read the Full Article on HealthLeaders Media
Learn More About ACHP’s Efforts to Expand Telehealth and Improve Affordability
Learn How Medicare Advantage Provides Exceptional Coverage and Care to America’s Seniors