ACHP response to Senate passage of COVID-19 relief package

Washington – In response to the Senate’s passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the following statement can be attributed to Alliance of Community Health Plans (ACHP) President and CEO Ceci Connolly:

“The Senate-passed stimulus package makes a number of significant investments vital to curbing this rapidly evolving public health crisis. ACHP is pleased by Congressional efforts to ensure stable coverage and care for Americans and protections for small businesses as they navigate the economic dominoes of this emergency. Suspending the Medicare sequester and providing health care premium support are critical first steps in stemming the long-term effects of this crisis.

“We urge the House to take swift action and pass this bipartisan package. ACHP will continue to work with Congress on additional efforts to protect consumers and communities by establishing risk corridors for insurers and through a federal reinsurance pool to guarantee all options are available to treat COVID-19.”

 About ACHP

The Alliance of Community Health Plans (ACHP) represents the nation’s top-performing non-profit health plans to improve affordability and outcomes in the health care system. ACHP member companies are provider-aligned health organizations that provide high-quality coverage and care to tens of millions of Americans. They are leading the industry in practical, proven reforms around primary care delivery, value-based payment and data-driven systems improvement.

ACHP advocates on behalf of its members and a unique approach to health care today, one that puts the patient at the center with health plans and clinical teams collaborating to improve health outcomes and reduce costs. Our advocacy focuses on providing policymakers with tested solutions being realized in communities nationwide and rooted in a model that is proven to deliver better value for patients, employers and taxpayers. Learn more at the ACHP website and follow us on Twitter for the latest health insights.

Making Health Care Better

ACHP is the voice of a unique approach in health care today, one that puts the patient at the center with plans and clinical teams collaborating to improve health outcomes and reduce costs. Our advocacy focuses on providing policymakers with tested solutions, rooted in a model that is proven to deliver better value for patients, employers and taxpayers.

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