Nonprofit Health Plans Report Initiatives and Progress Toward Affordable Coverage and Care

ACHP Releases Inaugural Report on Efforts to Reduce Costs, Enhance Value

Washington, D.C. – As prices continue to soar across the health care system, the Alliance of Community Health Plans (ACHP) remains committed to delivering high-value coverage and care to consumers. Today, ACHP releases its inaugural Report on Affordability, highlighting initiatives and proven successes in the last year to reduce health care costs in communities across the country.

ACHP committed in Health Care 2030: ACHP’s Roadmap to Reform to report annually on practices and progress toward more affordable coverage and care: When health plans manage premiums, provide enhanced benefits, innovate to deliver access to high-quality care and reduce costs for governments and employers, the system — and outcomes — improve.

“ACHP members’ unique provider partnerships and decades of experience in their communities drive their investment in the value of each dollar spent on health care,” said ACHP President and CEO Ceci Connolly. “Particularly during a public health emergency that has limited access to care for many Americans, we’re proud of our members’ fierce commitment to improving affordability through tangible, evidence-based solutions — all while enhancing quality and improving the consumer experience.”

Key findings from ACHP’s 2021 Report on Affordability include the following. ACHP members:

  • Reduced or held flat insurance premiums, with some member companies reducing premiums by as much as 10 percent.
  • Added new or expanded existing health benefits without increasing costs to consumers.
  • Moved acute and recovery services out of the expensive hospital setting and into the home, generating savings and improved patient satisfaction.
  • Offered useful price transparency tools, which enable consumers to shop by price, personalized benefits and services.
  • Expanded telehealth, improving affordable access to care, including three plans that launched first-of-their-kind virtual-first insurance products for premium savings of up to 20 percent.

Priority Health President Praveen Thadani, whose plan introduced virtual-first offerings with reduced premium costs, said, “Innovation is what drives our industry forward, and we are proud to have been among the first in the country to launch a successful and unique virtual-first product. Moving forward, our team will continue to expand our virtual-first products and will remain focused on affordability. Our goal is to ensure that as many people as possible have access to high quality and affordable care.”

The 2021 Report on Affordability includes examples of ACHP member companies’ innovative approaches to drive quality and patient satisfaction. By creating flexible products to meet consumer needs, using technology to streamline existing processes and bringing services to the patient — at home or in the community — ACHP members demonstrate their commitment to delivering higher-value coverage and care.

“At the core of our mission is providing affordable, accessible, high-quality care to our patients. The ability to implement innovative, patient-centered models of care through partnerships with their clinical delivery teams is a hallmark of ACHP member plans,” said Marshfield Clinic Health System CEO Dr. Susan Turney. “Our Home Recovery Care program is a perfect example of creating and implementing a program that is financially sustainable, and measurably improves patient experience, satisfaction, health outcomes and reduces the likelihood of re-admittance.”

For more on ACHP member companies’ virtual care initiatives, check out ACHP’s Care Anywhere blog. Learn more about ACHP’s approach to shifting the health care system away from volume to a model focused on value by listening to ACHP’s Healthy Dialogue podcast.

About ACHP

The Alliance of Community Health Plans (ACHP) represents the nation’s top-performing non-profit health plans to improve affordability and outcomes in the health care system. Members are provider-aligned health organizations that provide high-quality coverage and care to tens of millions of Americans. They are leading the industry in practical, proven reforms around primary care delivery, value-based payment and data-driven systems improvement. Learn more at the ACHP website and follow us on Twitter for the latest health insights.


Making Health Care Better

ACHP is the voice of a unique approach in health care today, one that puts the patient at the center with plans and clinical teams collaborating to improve health outcomes and reduce costs. Our advocacy focuses on providing policymakers with tested solutions, rooted in a model that is proven to deliver better value for patients, employers and taxpayers.

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