Rising to the Challenge: Community Health Plans and COVID-19

by Ceci Connolly

The ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis continues to inject uncertainty into the lives of individuals and families in every community. In a time when public health is the first thing on everyone’s mind, ACHP’s nonprofit member companies are immediately jumping into action to prevent, test and treat COVID-19 and protect the health of the communities they serve.

ACHP plans are leading by example, covering both COVID-19 testing and treatment, ensuring cost and access are not barriers to care.

ACHP members continue to react swiftly with unique efforts and flexible tools to contain and treat the virus, helping secure the health and safety of lives nationwide. For example:

Members have also significantly expanded telehealth services, waiving out-of-pocket copays and cost-sharing:

Additionally, numerous member plans, including AvMedHarvard Pilgrim Health CareHealth Alliance Plan (HAP) and Security Health Plan are offering early prescription refills and 90-day supplies of maintenance medications.

Together with their provider partners, these organizations are rising to the challenge to combat COVID-19, providing smart and innovative solutions that not only benefit the communities they serve but greater public health.

For a full list of ACHP plans’ action COVID-19, click here

Ceci Connolly is President & CEO of the Alliance of Community Health Plans, a national leadership organization bringing together innovative health plans and provider groups that are among America’s best at delivering affordable, high-quality coverage and care.

Making Health Care Better

ACHP is the voice of a unique approach in health care today, one that puts the patient at the center with plans and clinical teams collaborating to improve health outcomes and reduce costs. Our advocacy focuses on providing policymakers with tested solutions, rooted in a model that is proven to deliver better value for patients, employers and taxpayers.

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